
After the Storm Feb23

After the Storm

I’ve never experienced a hurricane.  A real hurricane.  But I know people who have, including people who live on a main hurricane route.  For them, every year there is a hurricane season. And there’s the “once in ten years” hurricane. And then there’s the “once in 50 years” hurric...

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Time to move on from Myers Briggs

I wrote this essay in 2016 as part of my coaching training with Meyler Campbell.

My relationship with Myers-Briggs has undergone a transformation.  Since my first exposure to it over 15 years ago, I have gone from being a true believer to sc...

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The Sound of Silence

Two noisy incidents happened to me the other day.  The first occurred on a commuter train.  We’ve all probably noticed that in recent years the socially-acceptable amount of sound that can come from phones has increased sharply.  The tinny sound of drum and bass emanating from earphones has b...

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